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For my art piece, I wanted to create something that represented who I am as a person. From what I notice about myself, I tend to shape my personality off of the media I consume, such as movies and video games. Because of that, I wanted to make an art piece that used clips from some of my favorite movies and video games. The reason I chose to have the clips play all at the same time was to create a representation of how my overall mind works. When I was in middle school, around 6th or 7th grade, I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD for short. This explains why my mind works the way it does. I notice that whenever I’m thinking to myself and thinking of images in my head, it’ll be at a constant rate like my mind is working at a mile a minute. So by having each clip play at the same time, I’m creating a representation of that.
For the installation side of things, I decided to style the room so that it would look like a movie theater. This decision was based on a feeling of nostalgia I have over the movie theater environment. When I was very young, my family and I lived in very close proximity to a dollar theater. Some of my favorite childhood memories are of my family and I taking weekend trips to that dollar theater and watching movies that, while a few months old at that point, still felt new to me. It’s those childhood memories that got me to fall in love with movies as an art form, and it even got me to expand my skills into video art. So by creating my art piece in this way, I’m showing my audience what led me to create the art piece that the audience is currently experiencing.
The video part of this piece is meant to show just going about your day like you normally would. The physical installation is what I'm trying to use to help show the feelings that are hidden during that time. It might look a bit minimalist with not much around, but there are also little things that are all around. I’m using a mannequin to represent a person, the head separated from the rest and watching from the side. The title is Astrophe, the feeling of being stuck on this earth, and is a word that resonates with me. The mannequin being incomplete and not whole is meant to represent the feelings of depression or anxiety and not having complete control. The plastic wall separating the head from the body shows the feelings of watching your own life from the sidelines and just going through the motions to get through the day. It’s not meant to be a super busy piece simply because even though there can be so much around you, you might not notice it because of the overwhelming feelings of numbness or depression. In the end, I realized while making this piece that it can be a lot harder than it looks. Even if it has turned out in the way I was hoping for, I still felt the strong feelings I was trying to communicate throughout the whole process. It has definitely been fun though. I have a feeling this piece will remind me to think a bit more outside of the box when it comes to future projects.
Everyone realizes in the world that having people around gives you an excuse to treat others like crap, everyone wants to be treated like they own the world. Having other people solve their problems doesn’t help them out and it can make people depend on others to make them feel good about themselves.
Flowers are like a representation of humans but they can depend on themselves. They grow in life without having people help them and they can depend on themselves. Flowers show people that you can do things in life without actually going anywhere or going through everything. They’re self caring and they help themselves move around and grow to become stronger. Not being around flowers gives flowers the opportunity to think about life and when you get treated right you get the beauty out of them. They show who they are by spreading their leaves and roots!
Most of the time I’m always looking at flowers because they have a special meaning to me. I always thought that they could think like us but they’re just trapped. I love succulents because when you talk to them they grow out more and that’s one thing I always do with friends. I help other people but I never help myself. I try to depend on myself but I never have the time or effort to fix me.
"The Hidden Sight" was taken from personal, and not so personal aspects of my life. I wanted this to possess a double entendre, one of self-portrayal, and of social introversion and fear.
Having been an anxious person my whole life, I constantly front and hide from people and responsibilities--escaping to comfort.
Locationally, doors have historically been used in art as a way to express openings and potential. In this case, being closed can either indicate the unknown, or unseen potential.
With the video, I chose time lapse timelapse flowers as my centerpiece. Flowers are constantly in action--breathing, moving, dancing. Alive. Despite seemingly motionless, they're full of things to say and constantly are changing in minute ways.
Everyone realizes in the world that having people around gives you an excuse to treat others like crap, everyone wants to be treated like they own the world. Having other people solve their problems doesn’t help them out and it can make people depend on others to make them feel good about themselves.
Flowers are like a representation of humans but they can depend on themselves. They grow in life without having people help them and they can depend on themselves. Flowers show people that you can do things in life without actually going anywhere or going through everything. They’re self caring and they help themselves move around and grow to become stronger. Not being around flowers gives flowers the opportunity to think about life and when you get treated right you get the beauty out of them. They show who they are by spreading their leaves and roots!
Most of the time I’m always looking at flowers because they have a special meaning to me. I always thought that they could think like us but they’re just trapped. I love succulents because when you talk to them they grow out more and that’s one thing I always do with friends. I help other people but I never help myself. I try to depend on myself but I never have the time or effort to fix me.
We as humans have memories. We all experience similar things, whether bad or good. Our memories and the way we interpret the situation builds us up to who we are today and lately, I have struggled with focusing too much on the past and not enough on the present. I think about how I should have done things. I miss what everything used to be and I feel like I took everything for granted. I realized talking to some friends, this is a similar problem that a lot of them are dealing with especially with the state of the world right now. Talking with these people has made me realize that we as people are in control of our present and our future. With that being said, we have to let our past go. Even if the memories are good memories or bad memories, the past is past and we have to focus on how we live in the moment.If we dwell on the past we will be in a never ending cycle of thinking about how things should have been. To let the past go, I have created a memorial for all our past memories. They will be appreciated and those memories we keep with us will live in our hearts forever, but we have to move on to survive, similar to losing a loved one. The hallway of memories is where we will be grateful for what we have experienced and we look back with photos, a common way to look back at the past. The photos are blurred because it makes the photos more personal to us to imagine or relate to the memories you may have experienced, The lights fading different colors represent the emotions we may have felt during our memories, Then that leads us to the grave with the video.The video shows how we as people grieve. We look at memories and do exactly what I have been talking about, think of how the past was. The video focuses’ in and out to show a feeling of lost control. The little flower bouquet in the video symbolizes remembrance and loss. Lastly and importantly, your flower you have taken from the jar at the top of the staircase. will lay on the grave to show appreciation for your past.
As everyone knows covid has changed everyone's life in many ways. Even some ways that we don't realize.
Covid has not only been the killer to many people but the Isolation part from covid has been the other big killer.
many people have been isolated. In my video, I show different parts of isolation and how it makes me feel and other people feel.
Places that used to have lots of people where they could talk and socialize and have fun. Are no longer able to do that, such as the churches and the playgrounds. It's sad to see those places empty where mermores used to be made.
Seeing grandparents is not really a thing anymore. They are stuck in the house because they are old and are at high risk. All they can do, to be social, is talk on the phone. To say hi to my grandma I usually stand outside her house to wave at her and she waves to me through her window.
Being at home has made me constantly bored all the time. Without being able to hang out with friends. I feel like due to covid we are always washing our hands and there's this weird covid cycle that we do, like we go to a store and we put on our mask on every store we go to. It's becoming a habit which I think is sad. I can't wait until this covid thing goes away. And things can be back to normal. I have skeletons in the room to represent people who have died to covid and to sucide by the isolation part from covid. The big green slimy monster is the covid virus and its little green blobs are its friends spreading everywhere around the room.
For my piece, I chose to represent my bipolar disorder and self-growth with my mental health. The flowers represent how much I've grown mentally in the last year. I wrote letters to all the people who helped me stay alive and gave me a reason to keep going or just stay another day. I chose to hang the letters on fishing hooks to represent how the people in the letters saved me from drowning and hitting rock bottom. The walls are different colors to show each part of my episodes and feelings. The letters by the red wall are to all the people that have hurt me and made a big impact on my life. Even though it was a bad impact it was still needed to grow. I wrote a letter to my bipolar and tried to put how I feel into words the best I could.